Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Coordinate business resources free essay sample

What is the link between resource acquisition and quality outputs? High quality inputs with constant monitoring and controls equals high quality outputs. By having a sound action plan, the necessary processes for a smooth running project can be developed. This involves agreeing on expectations, budgets, suppliers and skilled staff with appropriate training to name a few. 4. Are the customers for the outputs of a team/section/division/plant different from the customers for an organisation? Explain. No. They all expect a quality item/solution on time and within budget. They both have needs that they need to have met and are dependent on your leadership skills to ensure this happens. Having said that, external customers usually have agreed on an output and signed off with a contract. It is my experience, that internal people can often ‘move the goal post’, and internal customers should be tied down with a similar type of agreement. Assessment Activity 2 1. What might the consequences be of failing to involve a wide range of people in resource planning? It would be a foolish planner to think that they ‘know it all’. The involvement of others with relevant skills and knowledge means that opportunities are not missed and over expenditure or underestimation of requirements does not occur. By not consulting with a rich knowledge base available, it could lead to average approaches not being replaced with exceptional ideas. 2. When planning resource use and acquisition what methodologies can be used to consult with customers, other stakeholders and employees? Organising meetings with customers/clients, stakeholders and employees to determine agreement, expectations, best practice and availability. Also the use of surveys and questionnaires, both new and historical, and analysing the resulting data. Reviewing historical information of a similar plan with similar resource requirements allows a view of changing requirements and the advancements made in technology. Assessment Activity 3 1. Explain how procedures can support effective resource management. By having procedures in place, such as requisitioning, recording, and reporting, a greater control of the flow and use of resources can be kept. This helps eliminate over ordering, waste and theft. By maintaining control of resources, future requirements can be estimated and ordering to meet future project demands can planned for. In the case of capital expenditure items, the asset register can also be checked for the location of major resources, or decisions made on the acquisition of extra resources. 2. Create a procedure that an organisation could implement for their employees to submit a resource proposal – proposed resource purchase or expenditure item. -Assess the current situation and evaluate the need for the resource. Gather data -Cost vs. benefit evaluation -Risk assessment, highlighting if necessary the benefits of change/upgrade -Recommendation -Present a report with all written evidence pointing out the need for acquisition/change Include: Quotes (3 if possible, including preferred supplier, if available) Alternatives (items or procedures) Impact of non-acceptance (to company, safety, morale, production, profit etc. ) Assessment Activity 4 1. Why is hiring the right people for the job a critical factor for resource management? The right selection to meet the job requirement will assist in maintaining a quality output. The wrong selection can cost time and money, as well as often causing dissention or low morale in current staff, where their expectation of the new hire is not met. As with any resource management, current stakeholders have a vested interest in the correct acquisition. The employer must also be aware that they have also specified the job correctly, so that new hires personal goals and objectives can be met and that they can see a growth path within the organisation. 2. How does measuring and monitoring individual or work group performance link with the management of effective business resources? Measuring and monitoring performance works for both the organisation and the individual. Evaluations can highlight gaps and allow for the opportunity for training, coaching or mentoring. A ‘poor’ evaluation in some areas should not be seen as failure, but rather a path to improvement, which offers employees motivation and further commitment to the organisation. This measuring and monitoring can also help with group performance, by evaluating  where there is a skill gap that cannot be filled by current staff (usually through constraints of time or commitment to other projects), and needs to be filled with employment of extra resources. It may be found after full analysis of incoming data that, rather than physical resources, equipment change/upgrade is a better option. The saying ‘You cannot control that which you cannot measure’ should be observed, so that calculated, rather than opinionated, decisions can be made in the arena of resource management. Assessment Activity 5 1. How important is it to the achievement of objectives, targets and goals is the management of human resources? Explain. By managing human resources effectively, and ensuring that teams remain motivated, the successful execution of goals is almost guaranteed. Praising achievements, monitoring their actions and making sure they have the necessary skills and tools to perform their tasks leads to a happy, loyal and productive team. This is achieved through good leadership skills and it can be seen in organisations that nurture these values have teams that become a formidable force, always seeking improvement for their own and companies benefit. 2. What is likely to happen if information is not freely shared in an organisation, or is not available when it is needed? The first casualties of secrecy and non-disclosure in an organisation are mistrust, fear, disloyalty and resentment. This in turn leads to low morale, stress, anger and mistakes. These are effects directly affecting employees. The organisation then suffers from costly ill-informed decision making, unnecessary reproduction of tasks, loss of business and poorly motivated teams, to name a few. Assessment Activity 6 1. Why must stock be controlled and, if required, rationalised? To provide a well-managed production/order plan by having stock when needed and not holding onto costly unused stores. Excess stock is a cost to organisations, tying up finances for other projects, reducing supply and profitability. It is as important to not over-order as it is to under-order. Over-ordering (for instance where ‘use by dates’ must be strictly adhered to) causes waste and financial loss. Stock control and monitoring usage helps to control this. Rationalisation on inventory is essential to ensure that organisational costs (of holding excess inventory), does not lower profit and returns on investment capital. 2. What inventory management systems are commonly used in organisations? There are many available, depending on the type and size of the organisation. JIT (Just in time) is a method where goods arrive when needed rather than be held in inventory. This is a double edged and often criticised system as some companies abuse it and cause high cost to the supplier as they have to ‘wear’ the cost of warehousing. It is not uncommon in today’s environment for penalties to be imposed for every day commitment is not met (both to the company ordering and the supplier). Fixed point re-ordering is usually a software solution that triggers an order when certain reduction in inventory is realised. This can be used in supermarkets through to large production environments needing raw materials to produce their own products. Fixed interval recording is similar to the above but is triggered on a time line rather than quantity. This type of ordering depends on accurate forecasting and analysis by qualified staff. Economic order quantity (EOQ) is based on a calculation using the 4 costs involved in inventory and determining the square root. This is established by determining (twice the forecast demand multiplied by ordering cost) divided by (the value price multiplied by the carrying cost of total inventory) and then calculating the square root of the answer. This can be used to balance purchase quantity against ordering and carrying costs and determining the most economic ordering size. 3. How can an organisation ensure quality outsourced resource supplies? Firstly by research, both internal and external, as to the satisfaction of performance and supply by others who have dealt with them. After a supplier is decided the ongoing relationship must be maintained. By involving suppliers in the quality monitoring loop, whereby a relationship is built to mutual benefit, where they are preferred supplier, ensuring they understand your requirements and want to maintain a ‘preferred supplier’ status. This is mutually beneficial as they have continuity of custom and the organisation is usually ensured discounts through their loyalty along with products that meet their predetermined standards. 4. What action can be taken to build effective, quality-based relationships with suppliers? Regular meetings with suppliers where a free flow of information is exchanged. Outlining to them your on-going needs, and conversely listening to some of their concerns regarding dealing with your organisation. This could involve late/short deliveries, unreasonable expectations or continuing late payment. Whatever concerns, on whichever side must be addressed swiftly to enable a continued mutually beneficial relationship. 5. What are the benefits of building such relationships? Apart from saving an organisation time and lowering costs, a good relationship usually enhances quality control, reliability and trust. The supplier respects and understands the organisational needs, often offering better or cost effective solutions through this understanding. 6. Is it best to use external suppliers with whom you have built effective relationships, or should you constantly shop aroud for the cheapest deal? Explain. Yes. However, activities and advancements in the chosen sector must always be monitored. Better solutions/models may be available that your supplier cannot offer. In the case of solely monitoring price, it should be stated to your current preferred supplier to see if he can match or better it. This does not mean that you should abandon a supplier over a few dollars, but in the case of a major asset, the alternative must be considered if it is substantially lower (say 7% of a million dollar purchase). Assessment Activity 7 1. Explain how resource management is related to quality management and to continuous improvement. Poor quality management systems result in resource wastage. By having good resource management, increases in organisational effectiveness and profitability are seen, standards are met across all relationships, resources meet and match requirements. Continuous improvement raises the potential for increased profit and market share, and enhances the company’s ability to hold onto a competitive edge. These issues, interacting, overall would be the result of good quality management systems being in place and constantly examined. 2. Describe a situation with which you are familiar where you encountered a resourcing problem. What impact did it have on you being able to achieve your goals? How did you overcome the problem? Problem: A large mining company moved the deadline for completion of a Reclaimer. This was moved forward from the agreed date that had previously been signed off. The initial impact was the time taken in contract re-negotiation and adjusting the project plan. Solution: The project plan was adjusted and a new critical path circulated to all management involved. More physical resources were employed (from a large company resource database) and other resources obtained through the company’s asset register and through hire from trusted suppliers. A committed core team of managers, with teams that respected and trusted them, ensured it happened and the new deadline was met with no impact on the quality of result.

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